Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Winter Solstice 2013

So happy to have friends here
Please raise your glass or beer
A new year of light has come
If I were really a hippie I'd beat on my drum
Instead we are gathered to say
The projections we hope the Universe will obey

1. Drink more water and more water in general
2. Cultivate relationships
3. Take risks to attain aspirations *be brave
4. Create less waste
5. slow down to speed up
6. eliminate/Reduce unnecessary interruptions and focus on the important
7. one thousand more miles
8. good health and inner peace for self and friends
9. take care of your pets, they are the only thing in your life that will show you unconditional love
10. more time to do as you please.
11. more effort/less laziness towards doing whats right
12. mothership: stop global warming
13. be here... now
14. world peace
15. be more flexible - physically, mentally, spiritually
16. embrace the energy produced by the solstice
17. do what i love for work
18. when in doubt, just chillax
19. The biggest change and the most progress often results in a path that is the most uncomfortable.

Winter Solstice 2011

The sun is low and our spirits are high
Change has come slow, aiming for the sky
Reach for the stars, so bright tonight
Moving forward, a new cycle begins towards light
Remember who we are are where we want to go
Be true, be honest, to ourselves and the world around us
Raise a glass and cheer.. to the new solstice year.

Drink more water and more water in general
Physical and emotional health for all, special energy to Tara and her arm, and Bonie's Dad
Devine happiness through individual path and new beginnings
sustainable future
channel creativity in all capacities
safety is paramount
take time for the people you love
try new things
make time to destress, exercise, and remember to take things less seriously

Monday, December 23, 2013

Winter Solstice 2009

First Solstice Projections:

1. No more Global Warming
2. Drink more water
3. Good health for family and friends
4. Celebrate Art
5. Prosperity
6. Peace for America
7. More Snow
8. Internal eternal Happiness
9. Learn New Talents
10. The Miracle